Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stand in awe!

A dear friend gave me a daily calendar for 2009 with thoughts of inspiration and scripture. The first day I read "Stand in awe", from Psalms 4:4 and the thought went on to say, "I'll begin the new year filled with wonder just to be alive". How appropriate for my life. Yes, it's applicable to anyone, but after the past year or so, I'll shout a loud, amen! I often find myself feeling overcome with emotions when I realize the gift of each day!

The past few months have been a bit of a challenge for me. I started having daily headaches a few months ago but really wasn't too concerned, just thought it was because I needed an adjustment. I saw the doctor, got the adjustment but there was no improvement. I was sent to see a neurologist who recommended that I have an MRI. I couldn't have one at the time because the expander's in my chest had metal in them. So, I waited until after the exchange surgery to get the MRI. The results were a little "unclear" and showed some areas of concern but my doctor didn't think it was cancer related but perhaps some "other" medical issues. They wanted another MRI done with contrast, which I had and I'm now waiting for the results...later this week. Oh, and did I mention I had hand surgery thrown in there, too? Yes, before BC I was told I need carpal tunnel surgery and during the last year it became more severe. So in November, I had carpal tunnel surgery with two other incisions to release tendons in my thumb and wrist area. Just like anyone else, it seems like the challenges never end.

I want to live each day to the fullest, whatever that might be. My days are filled with working, serving, sharing, laughing, crying...just being me! Some days would be easier to stay in my comfy pj's and curl up on the couch but I can't remember a time when I've given into that temptation. I can't! I must live each day to the fullest! God has blessed my life in SO many incredible ways and I don't want to let one day slip by. I'm thankful for the gift of each day and I look forward to living each moment.

I stand in awe! Psalms 4:4


Stacey said...

Praying for the results of your MRI and trying to wait patiently. Love you Mom and I'm so thankful you're here to start the new year!!

OneHappyfamily said...

I am behind... I assume things went well? You and Art are so stinkin' cute!

Sherry said...

Mom I am sorry that you are having to go threw all this. I know that you know God will see you threw and that nothing happens for no reason. Love you hang in there!

Russell Fam. said...

That's a really nice picture of you and your hubby.