Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Why Am I Still Awake?

Okay, it's 2:15 a.m. and I'm still awake...what's going on? For the past several days I haven't been able to stay awake past 9 p.m. and usually fall asleep on the couch until the big guy is ready to head to bed around 10 or 10:30. Needless to say, he's been sound asleep for several hours now. Sherry humored me until around midnight and then she couldn't take it any longer. Why am I still awake? Who knows!

I'm going to read my Bible, pray for my family and friends and hopefully drift off to sleep for the night...at least what's left of it! Ever have one of those nights? I'm not feeling anxious, not worrying about anything...just wide awake! I know once I drift off, I'll enjoy a peaceful night!

Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet. ~Proverbs 3:24


OneHappyfamily said...

call me next time, we will go have a slice of pie! Ha!

Beth said...

I heard that at night when we can't sleep, that is when God has our full attention.

Stacey said...

I hate those nights! I love what Beth wrote... so true. Maybe God wanted you to just be with Him and hear what He's been trying to say all day :o)