Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Surprise Blessing

The past few months have been a challenge for many different reasons! Obviously, finding out that I had cancer was devastating in itself. Then, there has been the emotions of dealing with surgeries, treatment, and physical changes.

Although I'm very thankful for our insurance, there have been so many added expenses with deductibles, co-payments each time you darken the door of a doctors office, medications, etc. The added expenses mixed with my lack of income during this time, has caused a financial strain, as well. Art and I remain confident that God will supply our needs and we're grateful for the side jobs He has provided for Art during this time.

Last week, I had a visit from Connie, a friend from work and church. I couldn't believe it when she handed me a card filled with warm wishes from Realtors, staff members, and affiliates, some I don't even know personally. Tucked inside the envelope were donations to help with some of my expenses! WOW...what a surprise...I was speechless! It was awkward for me because I would much rather be on the giving end rather than the receiving end but it was such a surprise blessing!

I continue to trust God each day for our needs! I have a few homes for sale and keep praying that one of them will sell. It would be a double blessing...for me and for my clients! The way the market is right now, it might even be considered a miracle! I am confident that God is watching out for us and will continue to provide for our needs!

"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." ~Philipians 4:19


Stacey said...

What a blessing for you and Dad! Isn't it great to know that people are behind you during this journey! How awesome to see friends and coworkers come together to show you love and support!!

Sherry said...

I thought that was so sweet of all of them to want to help you out. And that they each wrote you encouraging words in the card. How awesome God is when you least expect it He shows you how much He cares!

OneHappyfamily said...

What great friends you have.

Juli said...


I love seeing you at church, but rarely get a chance to say "hi." You are always loving surrounded by friends and family! A nice problem to have. Please know that Doug and I are praying for you and Art. Thanks for sharing your heart and journey on your blog. You shine for Jesus! Love, Juli