Sunday, November 11, 2007

Preventative Maintenance

Alright ladies, it's been a little over a month since my diagnosis and I'm wondering, have you done your own personal check or scheduled your mammogram? I'm amazed at how many women do not regularly check their breast for lumps. I know it sounds strange, but you must be familiar with your breast so that you recognize an abnormality.

Some of you may not know that I found the lump in my breast myself. Admittedly, I didn't do "regular" exams on myself but frequently enough that I recognized an abnormal lump immediately. I was due for my mammo so I called my doc's office and got a script for the exam and scheduled a mammo, pretty quickly. Initially, I didn't tell the tech that I had found a lump and after the mammo, she said everything looked good. Then, I told her I had a lump I was concerned about and she had me step back up for a few more specific views. She then saw the area of concern. A week later, I was called back for further tests...the rest is history!

I've talked with some gals who don't want to check or have mammo's because they are fearful of the results. The truth is, you should be more worried about what you don't know! Knowledge and early detection gives you options. I've learned this first hand!! Think of it as preventative maintenance!

If what I've experienced can help save one more life, it makes it worth it all!


Beth said...

I can honestly say YES! I had my mammogram shortly before you got your diagnosis, but I've never really done self exam. I do now. That's just like you to be worried about us. I'm so glad that you are beginning to feel a little better. Gos is FAITHFUL to answer our Prayers. We love you Susie.

Rick, Beth & Olivia

OneHappyfamily said...

The "girls" do get checked around here! I won't say I faithfully check them every single month, but I do check them enough that I would notice something out of the ordinary. Of course just turning 35 I will be going in for a baseline. I had a mammo shortly after my mom died. I was just freaked about all cancer, so the gyn agreed. I got to the mammo, and the technichan was like "what are you doing here you like 12 years old....." I thought she was going to make me leave, but she did it. It was so not a big deal, I don't understand why women complain about it? In fact, I enjoyed it! Just kidding.

Stacey said...

I know I need to have mine checked out just to make sure but I think I'll have to wait a couple more months or I'll be squirting everyone during the exam ;o)