Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PET Scan

Wednesday morning is the long awaited PET scan. My witty hubby said we could save some money and he would just run our "PET" retriever around me for a scan. See what I have to put up with? Honestly, it makes life fun! I'm a little nervous about the scan. They said I'd be there about 2 hours and I saw pictures where you have to lay with your hands over your head...that will be a trick for me if I have to stay like that for long. Fortunately, I've finally progressed from "pain" to "uncomfortable" so I'm sure I'll be just fine.

The information from the scan will be beneficial for the oncologist when I see him next week. He will be determining the length of time I will need chemo based on the scan and my pathology reports. Today we got the official word from the surgeon that the lymph nodes were clear. Also, the second surgery was successful in getting a clear margin!! Praise God! Obviously, we continue to pray that there is no more cancer in my body! Thank you for praying with us!

Sometimes, I still find myself in disbelief of it all! Today, when preparing for my Home Team study (weekly Bible study with my girl friends), I was reminded "to live each day in contentment and confidence that your life...just as it a part of God's perfect plan and His perfect timing." (The Remarkable Women of the Bible by Elizabeth George)


Cindy Fox Moore said...

Keep strong and faithful - you are an inspiration to all of your friends and family. We love you.

Stacey said...

I'm so glad you're having it done and we're just going to pray that everything will be great! No more cancer anywhere in your body!!